Friday, December 6, 2013

Here's my review of the hazel wood necklace.  I don't think it has really helped.  It is very cute on my little guy though so I keep it on him.  He was having some more reflux symptoms recently so I looked at the dosing instructions again and adjusted his dose since he weighs more.  So glad he likes to eat since he was so little when he was born.

The last few days have been rough.  We went to Hubby's relatives for Thanksgiving and something I ate must of had dairy milk in it as little guy has been having lots of symptoms. Frustrated at myself for next checking more carefully.  I decided to go ahead and let my 3.5 year old kiddo try dairy milk food and so far she's been feeling great.  Not pushing things as she's not had a glass of milk or bowl of ice cream yet.  Crossing my fingers that little guy will follow a similar path.

The Christmas tree is up but I don't think lights will be up outside this year.  Its been too chilly this last week and I'd much rather hold little guy.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sleeping on a plane

I've slept on planes in the past.  I didn't think my little guy would be sleeping on one at a month old but he is, just not the type that takes you any where.  He needs to sleep on an incline plane, meaning his head is higher than his body.  Luckily it's not been that hard to do since I co-sleep and his head lays on my arm, near my shoulder.  He's developed silent reflux so laying like that helps keep the reflux from happening as often or from going as far up as it could if he was laying flat.  I feel so bad for the little guy.  He doesn't know why he feels miserable sometimes and why I give him medicine that doesn't taste all that great.  I'm grateful to live in this day and age though where we can find out so much by just completing a quick search on the internet. I was able to make his medicine, find dosing information for pain relief, and even ordered a necklace made out of hazel wood that could help (I'll post a review after we receive it and use it for a while).  He's feeling better but still has some reflux.  At least the crying has been reduced greatly and the majority of the crying now isn't the kind where he's clearly in pain.  

I don't know how my aunt did it with her youngest, who's now in his early twenties.  I can remember holding him a lot when he was an infant as he just wanted to be held all the time.  The meds that are commonly prescribed now weren't available then so there wasn't too much he could be given.  I know there were lots of late-night car rides, which couldn't have been easy with two other kiddos.  

I know little guy will get better with time as his body grows and that's what helps me get through the tough times now.  Looking forward to seeing him smile more and more.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Those darn cows!

Yep, that cow is cute.  Problem is, it's also been the cause of distress around this house.  Okay not this particular cow but the milk consumed from cows.  As I type this I'm holding my three week old infant as he sleeps fitfully due to my having eaten dairy products a few days ago. It breaks my heart to see him in so much pain as he cries and writhes when awake.  The good news for us is that we've been here before so we have experience and knowledge about the situation.  Our three year old kiddo is also allergic to dairy but it took about two and a half months to figure out.  A little bummed that I'll be missing out on cheese and ice cream again for quite some time but it's so worth it when I have a happy baby.  Hopefully in a few more days our baby will be feeling better.